2011년 1월 9일 일요일

Writing Chain;The Curses in Hogwarts

    Hogwarts is a place where we learn witchcraft and wizardry. We learn many curses and other things. Some subjects inclued Defence Against Dark Arts, Potions, transfiguration, and some topics will hlep you to protect Voldermort, the dark lord. Today, I will tell you about some strong curses, including Aveda Kedabra,Crucio, and Expeliromous.
     First, we'll talk about Experillomous. A red, strong beam parlyzes the enemy. So the enemy can not attack the foe. This is a very strong curse.
Next, there is Aveda Kedabra. This is a very strong curse, but it is forbidden. It kills the enemy. You will go to Azkaban if you do that. But the Dark Lord uses this curse to kill Harry's parents
     Last, but not the least, we have Crucio. It is call the Critiatus Curse, and it tourtures the enemy. This is forbidden too, but Voldemort use this too.

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